If you find that you can’t make or receive phone calls from your landline/internet phone, please follow these steps:
- Check you have internet access – this can be done by simply opening Google, trying to check your emails, or by reading the news. Since our landlines require internet access to work, if the internet is down, your phone will be too.
- Check your phone is powered on – by pressing buttons on the phone you should hear a tone and see the display light up on cordless phones.
- Check if you hear a dial tone – By picking up the phone or pressing the call button you should hear a single constant tone. If you hear beeping then this indicates an issue, and you will need to email our Support Team, or call us from a different phone.
- Attempt to make or receive a call – If you have a mobile phone with reception, you can try calling to or from your landline to confirm if there is an issue. If you do not have access to a mobile phone with reception, then please call us on 0800 12 13 14 to help.
- If you find that your landline is powered on and still unable to make or receive calls, then you can email us at support@lightwire.co.nz, message on our live chat at www.lightwire.co.nz or phone us on 0800 12 13 14 from a mobile phone.
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