If you have your Landline Phone (VoIP) with us, then you have access to some Dial Codes, which allow you to perform some handy actions with the Phone Line, such as Access Voicemails, Block Callers, and more. To access these, simply pick up your Landline, and dial “*” followed by the 2-digit number code.
Voicemail *55
You can access your Lightwire Landline Voicemails by dialing *55. The system will ask you to put in your Voicemail Pin and then take you to the automated Voicemail system. From there, you can listen to messages, set a Voicemail greeting, and more.
Call Forwarding *72
Dial 72 followed by the number you want to forward calls to. For example, to forward calls to 0123456789, dial *720123456789.
Wait on the line until you hear a confirmation message that the call forwarding has been set up. This can take up to 5 seconds after you finish dialling.
After hearing the confirmation, wait a few minutes before trying to call your number to ensure the forwarding is active.
Disable Call Forwarding *73
Do Not Disturb mode *74
If you put your Landline through us into Do Not Disturb (DND) mode, then any calls to your number while it's enabled will go to an automated Away message, and then to Voicemail instead of ringing you. You can turn this off again by dialling *75.
Block Last Caller *78
If you want to block the last person who called your landline, so can dial *78 immediately after. That will stop that number from ever being able to call your Landline again. If you want to undo that, you can dial *79 to Unblock the last person who called you.
Block Anonymous Callers *76
You can block any Anonymous Phone Numbers from being able to call your Landline by dialling *76. To turn this off again, you can dial *77.
Anonymous Calling *65
If you don’t want your Landline Number to come up on other people’s handsets when you call them, you can dial *65 directly followed by the number you want to call.
E.g. if you want to call 0123456789 anonymously, simply dial *650123456789
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